Saturday, May 16, 2009

8 month update

First off, I just want to share a picture that I wish I had taken last week during the teething ordeal. It's from this evening where he was fighting off sleep, but it would have fit perfectly with my description of last week...

He's precious, right?

Now, 8 know what that means to me? It means that in 4 months, I'll have a one-year old! A one-year old, people. I can't get over that idea.

Anyway, remember last month I posted a video of the beginning stages of crawling/creeping? Well, he still hasn't quite mastered actual crawling, but army crawling is the transportation of choice...and he has gotten really fast! Take a look for yourselves (and don't get on to me for not proofing yet, I know it needs to be done! Oh, and check out Brady's dainty, pointed toe-ha! :))...

He's quick, right? According to his teachers, he is harrassing the other children in his class, but some of them deserve it cause they pull his hair! I'm just saying. They also tell me that he climbs up and down from a shelf that is low to the ground...he has the small bruises to prove it! I found one on his ear that I didn't know how it got there, mainly because I just thought that a bruise on your ear was weird. He could have very well done it at home, but his teacher informed me that he bumped the shelf as he was trying to crawl in it...that's my boy!

Please pray for me, I'm obviously going to have to keep a close eye on this one!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day! Mine will be unforgettable : ) My little man was not in a good mood...I'm talking CRANKY and FUSSY!!! If his darn teeth would just come in, the world would be a better place, or at least my world! I feel sorry for him and just wish that I could do something, but I can't. Oh well.

I'm finally somewhat rested and just hope that tonight is not a repeat of last night's battle with sleep and Nolan.

It's time to get some much needed rest...sorry there aren't any pictures. Maybe next time.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Good Morning

Even though it's way past morning, this is how Nolan wakes up...