When we arrived, Nolan noticed that everyone was outside so there was no chance of taking him indoors. He also noticed various colors of soccer balls lying around the yard, so naturally he grabbed the first one he came to...
And then the next one, as well as retrieving the first...
He then decided to "try" something...
It was a good try, and the cutest thing I have ever seen...
He finally got some help from daddy...
As for today, Jamma wanted to get a picture of Nolan in a pair of overalls that his Pop and Daddy had both worn, so...we did!
He was trying to come to me cause he desperately wanted to get the overalls off, however I was no help! He looked too cute!!!
Right before he lost it, I finally got smart and moved over by Jamma so that he would actually look in her direction...
"Are we done???" "Take them off, PLEASE!"
Brady asked us if we told him to hold the overalls there, but we didn't have to cause he was trying to pull them off the whole time!
He looked cute, and they were special pictures, so it was all worth it...Sorry little man! : )