Today my baby turned 2 years old. Where did the time go? Ugh.
So we started our day, like normal, getting ready for school-nothing special. Well, let me take that back, Nolan found his presents and opened one up (Wright family, do you think he resembles his dad at all???). However, when it came time to leave for school, and I began getting the cupcakes out of the fridge...we had a birthday meltdown. Little Nolan wanted a "cuhcake" for breakfast, and he made it known all the way to school.
We went about our days, and when I was out of meetings and snack time started at school, I rushed over to celebrate with my little guy and his friends. But I forgot the camera. :( When I walked in, they had already started snack time, and Nolan had already cleared the top of his cupcake! This is the time I really wished I had had my camera cause his face was a green, hot mess!
Anyway, we got home from school very early, so he and I played with the new truck he opened this morning while we waited for daddy to get home. Once Brady walked in the door, we got ready and took Nolan out to dinner at Rosa's (YUM-O!).
Finally, we arrived at our house to finish up opening gifts. Nana and Papa sent us some much needed fall clothes, as well as Aunt V and Aunt Mo, Lexi and Lo...Thanks y'all! Of course, we already had the two, that's right, TWO tricycles from Jamma and Pop, so all that was left was gifts from us :)
*There was supposed to be a video here, but once again, it's not working...grrr.*So, here is a pic of him with his new helmet, which he is okay with wearing to ride his bike. He gave up on the other one Jamma and Pop!

Seriously, he took this out of the box shouting, "My helmet!" and then wouldn't take it off!

Playing with his new Fire Station...
Doing a new puzzle...

He passed his bike helmet onto Dad, since he has a new one...
I just had to share this pic cause you can't see his face!!!

The toy broom that Aunt V and Aunt Mo sent, but he's iffy about it...
And, here he is concentrating on his new blocks...
And, now we are back to the helmet, only backwards...

Happy Birthday Little Guy! I hope you've enjoyed it all :) We Love You!!!