Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Air Guitar

Very dark video, but I HOPE you can see the awesome air guitar that my little man is doing...he's rockin' out to Imagination Movers :)

(Brady and I can say and sing [well, at least I can sing it] this entire concert without missing a beat. It got deleted by accident somehow, and we recently re-recorded it...ugh. However, like I said in the last post, anything to put a smile on his face!!!)

Baseball Game

We went to a Baylor game a few weeks ago...it was CRAZY hot!!! Either way, it was a good time, but Nolan didn't understand why they weren't wearing red and blue like the Texas Rangers :)

Her really, really likes baseball!

Anything to put a smile on his face :)

Silly Boys

Nolan got a hair cut like his daddy. Sad, sad day :(

My Funny Valentine

Thanks for the shirt Aunt Mo...it was a big hit!

Snow Day 2011

I know that it is now April, and there is no snow on the ground, but my blogging world is still in February :) We both got to stay home with Nolan that day, and since it was so cold in the morning, we decided to wait until after naptime to take him out to play...bad idea. Here is how beautiful and untouched our neighbors yard looked... And, this was our snowless, dry yard (sad trombone-wa, wa, waaaaaaaa)... But, of course, the little man still had fun! Here he is planning his attempt to throw a snowball at dad... And here he is frollicking (do boys frollick?)... Time to warm up! We had a good day (as much as I can remember, it is April afterall)! Happy Spring everyone :)