Saturday, October 3, 2009


I'm really behind on posting, so I'm just now telling you all what Nolan and I actually did on his birthday.

I decided to take the day off and spend it with my special little guy : ) However, things didn't go as planned because Nolan was running the show. We woke up, got dressed, said bye to daddy, ate breakfast, and then Nolan decided to go back to sleep for a couple of hours. Once he woke up, we ate lunch and then ventured off the the Mayborn Museum (it's a children's museum on Baylor campus). It was fun to see Nolan walk around trying to do all the things he saw some older kids do, but he just wasn't old enough to quite get it. We had fun, but he definitely let me know when it was time to go! (I didn't get any actual pictures at the museum cause the camara was charging at home...sorry.)

So, we stopped at my office for a quick second, and then we came home for nap number two, which actually last 3 hours!!! That's the longest nap this child has ever taken! However, when he woke up, he was as happy as could be...

Finally, when daddy came home, we gave him his last birthday present that we saved for the actual day; he's not too sure of it...

But that is freakin' adorable, right??? I love this little rocker! It's name is Homer : )

See, I didn't make that up!

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