The day started off with a school delay, so the little guy spent a couple of hours at home with me. And, although he is adorably charming and knows that...
So, although "The Ladies *Heart* Him," I'm not so sure they would have 30 seconds prior to that pic...
Although, this is a pretty good pouty look!
(Look at that lip!)
He finally got to school, and I went into work (I guess you could call it that) up until his party...
I assured him that he had some good characteristics, cause what girl doesn't LOVE a Cheeto eating fool???
"Hey, Mom, is there cheese on my face?"
"How 'bout this side?"
"I played it cool, right?"
Yes, yes you did my little man! : )
We got home and checked out all of his treats and Valentine's. He recieved some cute little cards from his friends, some candy from his teachers, and a book. His favorite was the card with the sucker...
"Mmmmm, this is good!"
"Wait a sec, I kinda feel funny..."
"I think someone snuck me a Love Potion..."
(This picture is just hilarious!)
"I better be careful with the rest of these treats!!!"
Mom was right, she's the only girl I can trust! : )
(Me and my special, little Valentine)
That's right, little remember that! : )
Happy Valentine's Day, all!
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