Soooooooo Big!
The whole look
My new kicks!
Soooooooo Big!
The whole look
My new kicks!
Mommy's cousin, Teri, gave me this monkey, and I absolutely love it! I follow it everywhere it goes! (Mommy likes it too, especially when the monkey is "catching" it's balance.)
Aunt V gave me this whoozit, and I finally reached out to grab it! Mommy was so proud : )
and, the piano daddy got me for Christmas...I know exactly what to do with it when mommy puts it in front of me, check it out...
His little ears crack me up!
I'm gonna mess with it
Where is everyone???
Why did you leave???
Let's do it again!
He's getting better at it, and we're getting more smiles, but he still gets freaked out every once in a while : ) We'll have to re-visit this!
hellooooooo, ducktail!
first cut (goodbye, ducktail!)
Hey, what are those things?
What are you doing to my head???
And here are the after pics...
No more side burns (boo!)
I'll be honest and tell you that I almost cried when she shaved his side burns-I just wasn't expecting that, or at least I wasn't prepared for it to happen. He looks like such a big boy now, even though his hair has already grown so much in the past two weeks! I still haven't mastered the faux-hawk, but I will! We may have to get another hair cut before I do though : )
I have an idea of who these angels are cause why else would he be so happy?