Friday, January 9, 2009

Never. Again.

So yesterday was a short day at work for me, probably cause today is never ending, so I had made plans to work and then visit some friends and their beautiful babies. Those plans semi-worked.

My day looked simple: Get to daycare and work, go to first two visits, break for lunch, get to next visit, go by family's house to drop off some paperwork, pick up Nolan, head to China Spring to see Brittany and her 2, head to Hewitt to see Marianne and her 3, go home. This didn't happen.

My interpreter called to say that my 1pm appt now lived in Waco (they were living in Hewitt), so that meant that I would have to drive out to Hewitt come back to get Nolan, go to China Spring, and then back to Hewitt that equals a lot of driving. I decided not to do this. I thought to myself, hey that family doesn't live far from Marianne, so I will leave Nolan with her for a few minutes and run by their house. Yeah, great plan! I called her up to ask if that was fine, to which she said of course, so Nolan and I headed over to her house (They are the only friends we got to visit yesterday, but that's ok.).

Nolan and I arrived at her house, and I dropped off all the necessaties while she changed her baby girl's diaper. I then left...I literally went 2 minutes up the street and came back to this:

That's right. My son's in a tutu. A purple tutu. Brady's gonna kill me and Marianne. The look on her face when I walked in the house was priceless, and I knew something was up. I immediately asked her and she tried to hide it, but couldn' yes, Brady, I already knew and kept it from you as well. sorry.

Anyway, Marianne, as much as I love you, you will never be left alone with my child again! You may have even ruined our "couples" friendship! ;) I'm teasing, but Brady won't.

So, needless to say, my baby boy will now be humiliated across the internet!

1 comment:

fivemjs said...

But he is so beautiful in the purple tu tu! And tell Brady that if I didn't care about him or you guys....I wouldn't have even bothered to dress him up in a silly costume!!! Only for people I love!!!! =)
Will a case of Shiner Bock help?
Come on Brady...where is your sense of humor??? At least I didn't dress him in an OU Jersey!!