Saturday, December 19, 2009

15 Months Old


I just can't believe how big, how smart, how funny, how breathtaking my boy has gotten. He continues to bring many smiles and tears, some happy-some sad, to my face. Gosh, what a blessing!

Like I said last time, he just continues to truck along, and there is no stopping him any time soon! I think the shirt, and that look on his face, say it all...

I really don't know what that face is all about!
This is more like my little guy...
And, this is definitely like my little guy...standing over the dog bowl, debating whether or not he should take the chance of getting into it...
Still pondering...
And, this...this is the best moment of all...sneaking up on momma to give her a hug!
I love you big boy! : )

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